nutmeg high how much

nutmeg high how much
Nutmeg High - Home.Nutmeg high question 10 points? - Yahoo! Answers.

I ate a whole spice can of Nutmeg once.. How many grams was that? i have never had the balls to try it, because of the waaay to long high.
Mar 17, 2011. If you take nutmeg for getting high, you're ignorant or incredibly dim. .. It's not that nutmeg gets you high so much as you get delirious like you.
Myristicin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Nutmeg high - Ethnobotany -
Will you get high if you eat 2 teaspoons of ground nutmeg? - Yahoo.
Is Your Teen Getting a Nutmeg High? - Yahoo! Voices - voices.
nutmeg high how much
Eating Nutmeg to get High? - The Psychedelic Experience.
Nutmeg high? - Yahoo! Answers.
You would have to eat 4-8 teaspoons of the pungent nutmeg to get any possible sensation of being high. Myristicin is the substance in nutmeg which can caus.
i hear about overdoses wen getting high off nutmeg how much does it take. It was so much fun, like being really high on pot for a long time.
Nutmeg has psychoactive properties at doses much higher than used in cooking. . seed (therefore is possibly not present in high enough quantities) suggest it.
How Much Nutmeg Do You Need to Get High? -
The first thing you need to know about getting high off nutmeg is that freshly ground works a lot better than already ground. What I do is take the.
Nutmeg contains myristicin and eating between four and eight teaspoons would be enough to make it seem like you are high. It causes mild hallucinations but.